Friday, April 10, 2009

Join Us May 5th For National Hemp DARE Day 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Operation Strikeback-National Hemp DARE Day 2009

OK, I admit I might be just a tad to over the top, or maybe this latest herb is a bit better than I realize at the current moment as I listen to Janis wailing out of my speakers about having only ONE DAY. Talk about a fabulous Friday Afternoon! Not sure about the rest of you, but Obama's declaring April 9th National DARE Day has not set well with in it seems to me that 25 million supporters of Legalization need to STRIKE BACK...I offer the Twitter and Blog community a way that we can take back the word DARE, put and end to the DARE Propaganda machine by taking the word and the premise for our own.





NATIONAL Hemp D.A.R.E. DAY, 2009 May 5th,

Invite your friends, order in some really CHOICE Mexican Smoke (it is also Cinco_De_Mayo day), maybe order in a couple cases of Corona!

So, Obama wants to distance himself from the Medical Marijuana issue, wants to side step the Legalization question put forward to him during OUR INTERNET TOWNHALL. He basically slaps 25 million American Pot Smokers in the face by declaring April 9th DARE DAY...well, it is time for that Double DARE SMACK DOWN!

Tuesday (after work) May 5th, 2009, a super TWOFER Tuesday event. Start spreading the word, invite your friends to come join you in a style citizen action event, lets fill our American Living Rooms with the smell of Nature's Best as we celebrate National Hemp DARE Day 2009!

DARE-Do a reefer event! That's right, lets take back the word DARE, lets give it a WHOLE NEW MEANING with the FIRST ANNUAL Hemp DARE Day! Send a clear signal to Washington DC by holding your own small DARE DAY event, filming it and uploading it to YouTube...make sure you bring it to the attention of MarijuanaUSA so we can gather the videos in one place.

This only works if we all VIRALLY start spreading the word, so get your TWEETS in action and lets run with this! OH MY GAWD...we could all also be tweeting from our Hemp DARE Day events (Hey, I'll launch a new blog!...send me pictures), we could make May 5th National Twitter Hemp DARE Day, turning the day into the biggest VIRAL Legalize Medical Marijuana event on Planet Earth!

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